Popular social bookmark sites are a great way to pass the time and constantly stay informed to a number of different subjects. There are so many popular bookmark sites to choose from that it is hard to choose a favorite. Maybe they are all favorites?
When you are browsing a few popular social bookmarking sites it can be fun to look at all different types of information. A pretty popular site, these days, is Twitter. Twitter is great because of how easy it is for users to express their thoughts in a short and concise manner. Of the popular bookmark sites, Twitter has blown up a lot because of how many celebrities use it. Fans can read the thoughts and musings of their favorite celebs and stay up to date on their lives, pretty easily. Once Twitter created a way to validate the Twitter accounts of the celebrities, people were able to know for sure that they were in fact looking at a legitimate picture of an escaped snake from the NY Zoo tweeted directly from the phone of Steve Martin.
Another one of the popular bookmark sites that is different from Twitter is called Stumble Upon. Stumble Upon is such a unique idea that the concept can occasionally be confusing to people that are new to it. When you are browsing these popular bookmark sites you must be ready for new information to be thrown at you. Stumble Upon was created purely so people could find new information that they were interested in. By simply clicking a button on the screen people can be brought to new websites on a daily basis. It is a great way to broaden the information you know about your favorite subjects. By customizing what types of websites you want to look at, Stumble Upon will only bring up stuff it thinks you want to see. If you do not want to see, click the thumbs down button and you will not ever see it again.
Popular bookmark sites are becoming a source of entertainment for internet users and there are so many different types of sites to choose from.