Uperfruits are the latest trend within the fitness and health market in 2022. Acai and bananas are packed with rich nutrients that help our bodies work properly. And hundreds of companies and brands are capitalizing on the delicious flavor of superfruits. Potassium levels are high, making bananas among the top healthful fruits. Bananas do not just have a myriad of positive health effects, they are also delicious when blended into protein shakes. If you mix it with chocolate, peanut butter or strawberries, or even nothing at all, bananas serve well as a post-workout snack. Many athletes use dried banana powder in order to include fruits into their meals. In this video, we will demonstrate how to make your very own home-made banana flour.
You will need a lot of unripe bananas. Cut them in very small pieces , then dry them off through drying them under the sun or a dryer that can be used for food for up to up to 10 hours. Next, blend or mill the pieces of banana until they’re a fine powder consistency. You can now use the dried banana chips in shakes or other dishes!